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How To Achieve Your Goals With Ease

Did you excitedly journal at the start of this year all the things you wanted to do in you business and life?
Did you plan it all out and make it look pretty with coloured pens and post-it notes? Maybe you even made a dream board to go with it.
Perhaps you got really clear and set goals that you broke down into quarterly and monthly targets and made them SMART so you knew exactly what to do.
You wanted it, you were motivated and nothing was going to stop you, right?
But then something happened...
Those things you knew you needed to do, kept getting bumped down your list again and again.
You told yourself "I haven't got time", "I just need to go on this course first", "I'll focus on it when my finances are better", "my kids need me more more right now."
Until eventually you decided "maybe it's just not for me" and you gave up on the idea that you could achieve what you wanted.
I've been there and it feels like crap doesn't it?
Especially as the year is coming to an end. If you're anything like I was, at this time of year you beat yourself up for the fact that "nothing's changed and I'm still where I was this time last year" - OUCH!
There are 3 common things I see happening that stop clients achieving their goals.
1. They're not aligned
If your goal isn't aligned with what you desire, who you are as a person and what's important to you, chances are you won't ever commit to it. Check in with yourself - is this goal yours, or someone else's? Is it meaningful to you? Why is achieving it important?
2. Constant focus on the lack
If you only ever look at what's not happened yet it's really easy to stop taking action and feel demotivated. Having smaller targets and celebrating your achievements along the way can help. As can doing meditations where you visualise and feel how it is to have already achieved your goal. So instead of putting off feeling great about getting what you're working towards, you can feel it now. This will help prevent the "I'm still not there yet" frustration.
3. Beliefs about your ability to be, do and have anything you want
If your goal involves you stepping outside your comfort zone and you have some unhelpful subconscious beliefs you can bet it'll be hard to keep going. You can try to force yourself with willpower, but it's a constant struggle that inevitably leads to burning out or giving up. Identifying and re-programming your limiting beliefs makes it so much easier to keep showing up and taking consistent action - because you're no longer getting in your own way.
I love working with my clients to transform these three things - so they don't have to go through that awful "nothing's changed" moment ever again! 
When you set meaningful goals that light you up and feel aligned with your desires it's easier to stay focused on where you're going. And when you have the inner resources on your side, consistency is easy too.
If you'd like some help with creating aligned goals that you can achieve with ease, come and join me on 23rd November at the Expert Business Summit For Women. I'll be sharing how you can identify and re-programme the beliefs that are keeping you stuck - in just 6 minutes a day.
And it's not just me - there are a host of amazing speakers who'll be sharing their expert business growth strategy on topics including social media, events, membership, book writing, podcasting, branding, speaking, online course creation and much, much more.
If you want the strategy and the mindset to reach more clients, earn more money and make more impact with your ideal customers - then click the link below to join us! And remember - it’s FREE!
🗓DATE: Tues 23rd Nov 2021:
🏡LOCATION: Virtual (Join from your home or office).
⌚️TIME: 9.30-5.30pm 

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